Chapter 10—General Administration

Effective Date: 2/26/2016

SEC. 10.1 Exercise of Powers and Duties

The Vice President for Administration of Michigan Technological University shall exercise the powers and duties provided in this ordinance in a manner consistent with prevailing traffic safety practices and in the best interest of Michigan Technological University. The Vice President for Administration shall have the authority to delegate to the Director of the Department of Public Safety and Police Services and/or the Executive Director of Facilities Management and Transportation Services responsibility for determining and installing proper timing and maintenance of traffic control devices; to plan and direct the operation of traffic on streets within the boundaries of Michigan Technological University; to establish parking areas therein, designating limitations and uses thereof; to certify as to the installation of such devices and uses thereof; to certify as to the installation of such devices and signs by posting the same in the headquarters of the Department of Public Safety and Police Services or such other public places as may be deemed appropriate within the campus and accessible to the public; to establish and erect stop signs, standing or parking or stopping regulations and speed restrictions; to establish one-way streets, alleys, crosswalks, safety zones and traffic lanes and such other markings, restrictions and street designations as may be deemed necessary for the public interest, and for the protection of vehicles and pedestrians.

SEC. 10.2 Parking Meters, Gates and Lots, Authority

The Vice President for Administration of Michigan Technological University shall have authority to authorize the Director of Facilities Management and Transportation Services to determine and designate metered parking zones and to install and maintain as many parking meters as necessary in said metered parking zones where it is determined that the installation of parking meters shall be necessary to aid in the regulation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicles; to determine or designate parking lots or areas which shall be controlled or restricted by parking gates; to install and maintain as many parking gates as may be necessary in said areas where it is determined that the installation of parking gates shall be necessary to aid the regulation, control and inspection of the parked vehicles and to designate and maintain reserved parking areas the use thereof to be reserved for vehicles for which a reserved parking fee has been paid in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Vice President for Administration and to determine or designate parking areas for bicycles or the location of bicycle racks for parking bicycles.

SEC. 10.3 Restricted Parking

The Vice President for Administration of Michigan Technological University is hereby empowered to establish special restricted parking areas (and signs which indicate such restrictions) where such restrictions are necessary for essential activities of the University and/or where interference with such operations may adversely affect the public interest in maintaining a safe and well-ordered campus.

SEC. 10.4 Current Regulations

All intersection stops and yield right-of-way requirements, regulations on stopping, standing or parking; one-way streets, roadways and alleys; crosswalks; restricted turns; through streets; angle parking zones; curb loading zones; public carrier stands; parking meter zones and spaces; prima facie speed limits; no passing zones; and traffic control devices heretofore established and effective on the effective date of this ordinance, shall be deemed established and shall remain effective until rescinded or modified.

SEC. 10.5 Interference with Traffic-Control Devices or Railroad Signs or Signals

No person shall without lawful authority attempt to or in fact alter, deface, injure, knock down, or remove any traffic-control device or any railroad sign or signal or any inscription, shield, or insignia thereon, or any other part thereof.


SEC. 10.6 Permit Required -- Parking

No person shall park a motor vehicle, motorcycle, snow vehicle, all terrain vehicle or bicycle in any University parking area, lot, or structure unless such vehicle shall openly display the type of parking permit required for said areas, lots or structures, or the required payment has been made for metered parking areas, in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Vice President for Administration. The Vice President for Administration may exempt certain employees, groups of employees, students or visitors from such charges by such rules or procedures.


Ordinance Chapters
